step by step

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

 (background image taken from tumblr)

i love photoshop. well, i just love photography and editing in general. it took me awhile to get comfortable using photoshop. there are so many buttons and it's honestly hard to navigate the program if you have no experience or haven't watched any youtube videos. in my case, i had to get photoshop for my fine arts degree and i was required to get this awesome mac that i have as well. but life is tricky in the way it works. i ended up saying good bye to fine arts and hello to business management. i can teach myself fine arts and eventually i would like to own a coffee shop, so i figured it would be most logical to have a major of some sort in business. but back on track to photoshop!

so find an image you love and don't steal it. make sure you ask the person first if you want to use their image or just use your own. in this case i used an image from tumblr and my own image. 
i've learned how to do some things from  my photoshop class and from my favorite, youtube. 
if you have some spare time and really do want to learn more about photoshop, google "how to ____" (fill in the blank)  and take the time to watch exactly what to do! i promise it will help your photoshop skills a butt ton! butt ton?.. how cute of me... sigh, so weird

if you have questions on how i actually produced the final image or any other general questions,
feel free to reach out to me!

have a good tuesday.


  1. puh-lease do a post on photography tips and tricks for beginners!

  2. Photoshop used to be my favorite Adobe program, until I fell for Illustrator. I end up doing 90% of my graphic stuff in Illustrator now because I can align things and mess with type more. I love this though - I adore seeing progress of pieces


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